on new year nite aku celebr8 at the curve...
b4 tht lepak kedai y dlu kat anexe CM jmp lala n zue...
disamping mnonton exhibiton art kat kdai tu
sygnye miss fathiyah aku tu ilang or sesat plak d putra..
.aiseh pai..
cane la ko leh ikot kawan2 ko ke sane...
klo dh kami2 ni ke kl...
ko ke putra plakhampeh...
but new year nite kami celebra8 bese2 je...
x tau la klo yg len rase bez...
sape celebr8 kat the curve surely tau kot celebration kat sane...
haaateingt sesotu lak...
mlm new year tu gak x disengajakan achik pn ade skali besame kami lepak sesame...
aneh sunggo...hoho
ntah2 achik tu sendri yg plik knape aku ngn adik plak yg kat situ...hohoho
beginila...sunggo kcik dunie...pusing2 dak2 bp gak:P
aku pk nk blek kg weekend...tp mama call plak memelukan aku fetch fatin kat jb...
so nak x nak jumaat tu trun kl tros ca alif bot(stand 4 cabot) la jwbnye blek joho
btw...aku mesti trun kl aritu krane whether aku krim adik or aku bli sendri birth gift for apis ngn sumthing that i really2 aku nk kan dh lame dr 4ever21...hehe
kadang2 rase malasnye nk blek...ye la...kawan2 sume kat kl...mesti sonok lepak kl kan...hoho
kat bp dh x de sape2...:(tggl awin je...shian die...
ni kne kjekan awin plak ni study kl lpas abes poli die
ok2...yg sbenanya bosan yg amat sgt skang ni...
mmu server down dh bejam2mmg ggu nkkne ngamok je la ni
bosan seyh kje x de mud nk watlg pon x sesuai wat dlm pc ni samede mlm nnt aku wat kat lib ato sok pg2 serbu lab:D
heeeeerrk ok..
mau mandi smayang daa...bace yasin skali...dh bape ari aku tggl yasin ni
1.plan dh berato tggu cuti ni wat ape...
2.aku minat sorang boy ni la...knal tru y...aiseh...
tp mcm dh de gf hep3!!!
kawan je ape slahnye... btol3...
Saturday, December 29, 2007
sepeti yg dijanjikan...(according to my entry b4)yesterday mama msg told me that uthm(ittho) called mama to spend among rm800deposit prepare for the cafe at uthm campus bandar...n dis morning mama called that she told the tokey hainan cafe offered her to rent the hainan stall start dis coming january( on 1st jan i think)
alhamdulillah...klo x de aral mlintang...if btol mama start her uthm cafe mayb on 8th jan..aminn....yeay!!!!nmpknye ape yg aku nazar kan harusla aku tunai kan...hohohoaku dh pn bejanji sendri dan benazar on 1st day mama start cafe...neway...ape yg aku nazar kan tu bukan dr sesape ato sbb sesape...cumenye ade la dpt sokongan skit2 dr family aku sendri espeseli mama papa...sya,kak huda n dot to dot...etc
neway...niat aku tok melaksane nazar aku tu dh lame...hajat nye plak hampir2 saje akan aku laksane kan...cume tggu mase..debar2 gak ni...malu pn ade...ye la...aku se klo dh kat bp tu sume org mmg tau aku ni cenggini...dan klo antare kawan2 ku ramai2 aku la yg paling brutal, dan slambe...dan mreke2 pn mengikuti kot...laz2 aku yg brubah dlu..bukan ape babe...pengalaman...pengajaran...hidup...penyesalan pn ade...petaubatan pn ade...sume mengajar aku mcm2 tok menebus blek sgale ape yg aku dh lakukan...haiihhhhlazly...tggu je la blog ape tejadi pd aku seterusnyehehehhepeaceeee
alhamdulillah...klo x de aral mlintang...if btol mama start her uthm cafe mayb on 8th jan..aminn....yeay!!!!nmpknye ape yg aku nazar kan harusla aku tunai kan...hohohoaku dh pn bejanji sendri dan benazar on 1st day mama start cafe...neway...ape yg aku nazar kan tu bukan dr sesape ato sbb sesape...cumenye ade la dpt sokongan skit2 dr family aku sendri espeseli mama papa...sya,kak huda n dot to dot...etc
neway...niat aku tok melaksane nazar aku tu dh lame...hajat nye plak hampir2 saje akan aku laksane kan...cume tggu mase..debar2 gak ni...malu pn ade...ye la...aku se klo dh kat bp tu sume org mmg tau aku ni cenggini...dan klo antare kawan2 ku ramai2 aku la yg paling brutal, dan slambe...dan mreke2 pn mengikuti kot...laz2 aku yg brubah dlu..bukan ape babe...pengalaman...pengajaran...hidup...penyesalan pn ade...petaubatan pn ade...sume mengajar aku mcm2 tok menebus blek sgale ape yg aku dh lakukan...haiihhhhlazly...tggu je la blog ape tejadi pd aku seterusnyehehehhepeaceeee
Thursday, December 27, 2007
dh 12.46...
its time to siap p class...
final crit beb...
aku cume br siap modelling...
tu pn cilok dr siew lee...
ella: ko rase kan siew lee tu bising x aku pki character die je?
pejol fcm: dia bising pon takpe
pejol fcm: dia tak bg mark
ella: :))
ella: hahahha
ella: klo die ckap ngn fazidin
ella: ??
pejol fcm: kata kat dia
pejol fcm: in this world now, nothing original
adoiy pejol...
mkin suspen aku ni ha...
act aku bukan mencilok...
tp kire copycat gak la...
tp aku modified gak heli tu...
hm 3d rad tiade sentuhan terkini..
hancus kecus x tau wat...
aku perlu ready2 ni...
darah aku dh makin mendidih ni
final crit beb!!!!
mampos aku mampos!!!
got sumthing to tell here...
sumting yg aku dh nazarkan...
sumthing yg aku dh azam kan...
2 be continued...
mayb tonite...
its time to siap p class...
final crit beb...
aku cume br siap modelling...
tu pn cilok dr siew lee...
ella: ko rase kan siew lee tu bising x aku pki character die je?
pejol fcm: dia bising pon takpe
pejol fcm: dia tak bg mark
ella: :))
ella: hahahha
ella: klo die ckap ngn fazidin
ella: ??
pejol fcm: kata kat dia
pejol fcm: in this world now, nothing original
adoiy pejol...
mkin suspen aku ni ha...
act aku bukan mencilok...
tp kire copycat gak la...
tp aku modified gak heli tu...
hm 3d rad tiade sentuhan terkini..
hancus kecus x tau wat...
aku perlu ready2 ni...
darah aku dh makin mendidih ni
final crit beb!!!!
mampos aku mampos!!!
got sumthing to tell here...
sumting yg aku dh nazarkan...
sumthing yg aku dh azam kan...
2 be continued...
mayb tonite...
Sunday, December 16, 2007
semlm aku menjejak kan kaki skali lg d eye on m'sia...tp yg bez nye kali ni aku dpt nek skali...dlm 6 round kot...mule2 rase gayat gak...tp masuk pusingan ke2 dan smpi ke6...heh dh x de prasaan langsung nek...sepatah kate nenk wani "bole tido lg dlm gondola tu"...hoho...siyes bosan...ke senanye kami2 ni yg x pandai menghayati keindahan dan kemajuan kl...(x ans)...so lebe banyak menghabiskan begamba je la dlm gondola tu...walobagaimanepon...journey kami to the 'west' tu...amat menggembirakan dan mengkecohkan...hoho...siap dgn tripod skali ha begamba2 di tgh2 sungaian manusia...
p/s: thnx sya... :*
smlm aku br menghabiskan bace novel(milik kak leen) sementare meneman adik kje,semntare menunggu panggilan msg dr kawan2 ku di mmu...kali ni aku rse mcm 1st time menghabiskan novel hampir bemnggu...im not really sure same ade aku bace lmbt tu aku banyak menghayati bait2nye ato aku bz dgn esemen...kalo dh namenye novel pasti x lari dr kisah pecintaan...tp kate skemanye lebe menjurus keagamaan...aku tetarik dgn seperenggan ayat ni...:--->
" andainye tiade cinte dr adam untukmu, cukup la hanye cinta Allah menyinar dan memenuhi jiwamu...biarlah hanya cinta ibu bapamu yg memberi kehangatan kebahagiaan buat dirimu...cukuplah sekadar cinta adik beradik serta keluarga yang akan membahagiakanmu...cintailah Allah di kala susah dan senang. kerana engkau akan memperoleh cinta dr insan yg juga mencintai Allah...cintailah ke2 ibu bapamu kerane engkau akan memperoleh keredaan Ilahi...cintailah keluarga mu kerana tiada cinta selain cinta keluarga...CARILAH KEREDHAAN ILLAHI..."
semlm aku menjejak kan kaki skali lg d eye on m'sia...tp yg bez nye kali ni aku dpt nek skali...dlm 6 round kot...mule2 rase gayat gak...tp masuk pusingan ke2 dan smpi ke6...heh dh x de prasaan langsung nek...sepatah kate nenk wani "bole tido lg dlm gondola tu"...hoho...siyes bosan...ke senanye kami2 ni yg x pandai menghayati keindahan dan kemajuan kl...(x ans)...so lebe banyak menghabiskan begamba je la dlm gondola tu...walobagaimanepon...journey kami to the 'west' tu...amat menggembirakan dan mengkecohkan...hoho...siap dgn tripod skali ha begamba2 di tgh2 sungaian manusia...
p/s: thnx sya... :*
smlm aku br menghabiskan bace novel(milik kak leen) sementare meneman adik kje,semntare menunggu panggilan msg dr kawan2 ku di mmu...kali ni aku rse mcm 1st time menghabiskan novel hampir bemnggu...im not really sure same ade aku bace lmbt tu aku banyak menghayati bait2nye ato aku bz dgn esemen...kalo dh namenye novel pasti x lari dr kisah pecintaan...tp kate skemanye lebe menjurus keagamaan...aku tetarik dgn seperenggan ayat ni...:--->
" andainye tiade cinte dr adam untukmu, cukup la hanye cinta Allah menyinar dan memenuhi jiwamu...biarlah hanya cinta ibu bapamu yg memberi kehangatan kebahagiaan buat dirimu...cukuplah sekadar cinta adik beradik serta keluarga yang akan membahagiakanmu...cintailah Allah di kala susah dan senang. kerana engkau akan memperoleh cinta dr insan yg juga mencintai Allah...cintailah ke2 ibu bapamu kerane engkau akan memperoleh keredaan Ilahi...cintailah keluarga mu kerana tiada cinta selain cinta keluarga...CARILAH KEREDHAAN ILLAHI..."
Friday, December 14, 2007
1.What do you want for your birthday?= watever :P
2. Who will be your next kiss?= fewiittt
3. When was the last time you went tothe mall?= laz week-->alamanda
4. Are you wearing socks?= usually even in my room
6. Have you been to the movies in thelast 5 days?= nope
7. What was the last thing you haddrink?= mirinda strawberry
8. What are you wearing right now?= pink shirt n short pant:P
9. What was your last purchase?= kfc-->ain blanje...yeay!!
10.What was the last food you ate?= spicy chicken
11. Who would be the person you wouldcall if you were up in the middle ofthe night and couldn't sleep?= any1 yg cross my mind
12. Have you bought any clothing itemsin the last week?=laz few months:(
13. Do you have a pet?= nope
14. What made you laugh in the last5days?= 4got
15. If you could be anywhere rightnow, where would you be?= sumwhere tht dont have to think of anything
16. What is the last thing youpurchased online?= nope
17. One thing you hate about yourself= idiot
18 . What's your favourite soup?= sup kambing :P
19. Do you miss anyone?= yez!! sgt2 :(
20. What are your plans for the day?= wanna go home n rehat...im tired oredy :(
21. Last person you msg?= zack
22. Ever went to camp?= yup
23. Are you a good student in school?= if good...ye kot...hoho
24 . What do you know about the (your)future?= blank
25. Are you wearing any perfume orcologne?= x kot...im originally wangi tau...haha
26. Where is your best friend rightnow?= mumbling
27. What your favourite Song?= b4 dis n currently----> mengenangmu by kerispatih
2. Who will be your next kiss?= fewiittt
3. When was the last time you went tothe mall?= laz week-->alamanda
4. Are you wearing socks?= usually even in my room
6. Have you been to the movies in thelast 5 days?= nope
7. What was the last thing you haddrink?= mirinda strawberry
8. What are you wearing right now?= pink shirt n short pant:P
9. What was your last purchase?= kfc-->ain blanje...yeay!!
10.What was the last food you ate?= spicy chicken
11. Who would be the person you wouldcall if you were up in the middle ofthe night and couldn't sleep?= any1 yg cross my mind
12. Have you bought any clothing itemsin the last week?=laz few months:(
13. Do you have a pet?= nope
14. What made you laugh in the last5days?= 4got
15. If you could be anywhere rightnow, where would you be?= sumwhere tht dont have to think of anything
16. What is the last thing youpurchased online?= nope
17. One thing you hate about yourself= idiot
18 . What's your favourite soup?= sup kambing :P
19. Do you miss anyone?= yez!! sgt2 :(
20. What are your plans for the day?= wanna go home n rehat...im tired oredy :(
21. Last person you msg?= zack
22. Ever went to camp?= yup
23. Are you a good student in school?= if good...ye kot...hoho
24 . What do you know about the (your)future?= blank
25. Are you wearing any perfume orcologne?= x kot...im originally wangi tau...haha
26. Where is your best friend rightnow?= mumbling
27. What your favourite Song?= b4 dis n currently----> mengenangmu by kerispatih
Friday, December 07, 2007
aku jato kat tangge td...
gile saket tulang bontot aku...
baru je aku ckap same jaja slipa aku ni bole wat ice skating
tros die skate kat tangge ek...
wat malu aku je...
depan gad plak 2
she was crying...
aku sedey gak tgk die sedey...
x tau nk pujok ape coz im not the 1 in her shoe(broken eng btol...haha)
tp x tau la...
saket kot...
haihhh cinte2...
kadang2 bile pk blek mranenye aku tgk sya n ain..
aku agak besyukur krane afiq bukan sentese di mate aku...
haihhhh...sekse kot...:(
biala mrane tahan rindu bebulan-bulan cani dr dpt di lihat depan mate tp x leh disentuh(org kate)...
ato kate lennye....
nmpk depan mate tp saket ati je...
sedey je...
x bole tahan gak...
aku jato kat tangge td...
gile saket tulang bontot aku...
baru je aku ckap same jaja slipa aku ni bole wat ice skating
tros die skate kat tangge ek...
wat malu aku je...
depan gad plak 2
she was crying...
aku sedey gak tgk die sedey...
x tau nk pujok ape coz im not the 1 in her shoe(broken eng btol...haha)
tp x tau la...
saket kot...
haihhh cinte2...
kadang2 bile pk blek mranenye aku tgk sya n ain..
aku agak besyukur krane afiq bukan sentese di mate aku...
haihhhh...sekse kot...:(
biala mrane tahan rindu bebulan-bulan cani dr dpt di lihat depan mate tp x leh disentuh(org kate)...
ato kate lennye....
nmpk depan mate tp saket ati je...
sedey je...
x bole tahan gak...
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
cuace sunggo cerah namun x ceria....
bosan yg amat...
tensen kot yg amat...
ptg ni mmg x de klas but i have to submit my concept bod act...
helo dear...
u ni kan sok luse kalo dh kje mampos kne ngamok ngn client...
asik kje delay sebmission je
:(( huk3...
aku x tau knape malas yg ade je kat dri ni...
hampeh mu ella...
d klas td my frend/ bez clasmate pn ok gak...
opened up sum1 blogger dan dgn ringan2nye mlut aku pn tetunjuk sum1 blogger gak...
my bezfrend blogger
link ---> link
mampos aku klo2 tekantoi link aku di situ gak...
but then...he stop rolled the page b4 smpi kat "link"
neway 2...
chating wif pejol td n he said sumthing yg wat aku malu bangat...
sunggo!!! malu gile...
cte dlu2 time aku ngn b
sumpah malu...
baru aku teingt die yg hack window aku dan kantoi la ape aku chating ngn b ni...
he said aku yg mengayat si b ni???
ye ke?
ntah...aku se x kot...tp x tau la klo2 aku tebabas ayat dan x pasan...
tp yg pasti smpi saat ni aku mmg x kne gaye dgn b ni...
sbbnye ending nye b4 die coupled ngn si m ni...
aku ade tebuat 1 mende yg wat die mara kot...
or mayb ayat aku sendri yg x bape elok
aku...homesick dh...
masuk dis week 2/3 weeks aku x blek dh...
sjak idup sorang ni aku mmg lebe bnyk menghabiskan mase dgn pogram...
mmg lebe snang membzkan dri smpi weekend aku pn full...
tp knape yek tetap x leh lupe 'dIE'
" adib...bukan pintu ati ni dh tetutup...sukar tok aku trime org len dan mmg jao skali tok aku baek dan blek lg pd dIE :(..."
n i really2 hope not to see him again...
4ever n ever...
x bole...x bole:((
biarlah ku simpan smpi nnt aku...
kan ada di sana
tenang la diri mu dalam kedamaian...
ingtla cinta ku
ko x telihat lg
namun cintamu abadi
*sedang bekumandang d corong speaker*
cuace sunggo cerah namun x ceria....
bosan yg amat...
tensen kot yg amat...
ptg ni mmg x de klas but i have to submit my concept bod act...
helo dear...
u ni kan sok luse kalo dh kje mampos kne ngamok ngn client...
asik kje delay sebmission je
:(( huk3...
aku x tau knape malas yg ade je kat dri ni...
hampeh mu ella...
d klas td my frend/ bez clasmate pn ok gak...
opened up sum1 blogger dan dgn ringan2nye mlut aku pn tetunjuk sum1 blogger gak...
my bezfrend blogger
link ---> link
mampos aku klo2 tekantoi link aku di situ gak...
but then...he stop rolled the page b4 smpi kat "link"
neway 2...
chating wif pejol td n he said sumthing yg wat aku malu bangat...
sunggo!!! malu gile...
cte dlu2 time aku ngn b
sumpah malu...
baru aku teingt die yg hack window aku dan kantoi la ape aku chating ngn b ni...
he said aku yg mengayat si b ni???
ye ke?
ntah...aku se x kot...tp x tau la klo2 aku tebabas ayat dan x pasan...
tp yg pasti smpi saat ni aku mmg x kne gaye dgn b ni...
sbbnye ending nye b4 die coupled ngn si m ni...
aku ade tebuat 1 mende yg wat die mara kot...
or mayb ayat aku sendri yg x bape elok
aku...homesick dh...
masuk dis week 2/3 weeks aku x blek dh...
sjak idup sorang ni aku mmg lebe bnyk menghabiskan mase dgn pogram...
mmg lebe snang membzkan dri smpi weekend aku pn full...
tp knape yek tetap x leh lupe 'dIE'
" adib...bukan pintu ati ni dh tetutup...sukar tok aku trime org len dan mmg jao skali tok aku baek dan blek lg pd dIE :(..."
n i really2 hope not to see him again...
4ever n ever...
x bole...x bole:((
biarlah ku simpan smpi nnt aku...
kan ada di sana
tenang la diri mu dalam kedamaian...
ingtla cinta ku
ko x telihat lg
namun cintamu abadi
*sedang bekumandang d corong speaker*
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
episode 2...
ar...gamba afiq yg dlm amily's keychain aku pn dh x de...sgale mende gamba2 afiq dan kami whether yg edit ato x sume tlah pn aku remove....juge sgale msg2 nye d fon aku dh abes remove...but its ok...aku x amek pusingpn...cm dlu aku kate kan pd bloger yg lpas...biala afiq tu ngn knangan2 die aku tanam idup2 dlm2 ati je...hoho...
next chapter:
now eisya dh bek smule wif fa...how sweet they are...im very2 hepy bout tht...btol la kan...saba itu pasti ade hasilnye....2 la kate2 yg aku pegang dr kecil dlu...dan ia juge tebukti pd eisya...hampir 2 thn pisah dan skang bru dpt bek smule...do i have to do the samething like sya did?suposely x perlu...afiq bukan syed kan...dan keadaan kami sunggo bebeza....arghhh lpekan afiq...n eisya...aku x saba nk die kawen....aku nk jd pengapit bole x gaknye?hahaha....hmm act aku dh letey kot...sory...correction...bukan letey...tp ntah....saket kot tgk die saket...mrane kot tgk die mrane....haiihhh...2 thn beb...bukan lame...sighhh
2nd chapter:
ain still waiting for aezy comeback to her...she changed a lot i thing...haihhh...tp 2 la...gaknye sbb lame sgt couple kot jd catu..nikan aku ngn afiq kapel sethn pn mrane cm bethun....eisya kapel sethn pn mranenye 2 thn....ni kan lg ain yg kapel bethn2...saba je lakot...n tuttt
*moral of the story :- menyayangi seseorg dgn sepenuh ati ni...separoh mati ni....sunggoh!!! amat menyakitkan....sunggoh!!!*
(hoho...btw...aku mrepek a lot...mngkn hasil dr membace novel yg amat bnyk..tq)
dis weekend i'll go spend my days at cheras...kolej adik....im going to accompany adik to her interview session for tuuutttt
2 be continued
chow ci ci
ar...gamba afiq yg dlm amily's keychain aku pn dh x de...sgale mende gamba2 afiq dan kami whether yg edit ato x sume tlah pn aku remove....juge sgale msg2 nye d fon aku dh abes remove...but its ok...aku x amek pusingpn...cm dlu aku kate kan pd bloger yg lpas...biala afiq tu ngn knangan2 die aku tanam idup2 dlm2 ati je...hoho...
next chapter:
now eisya dh bek smule wif fa...how sweet they are...im very2 hepy bout tht...btol la kan...saba itu pasti ade hasilnye....2 la kate2 yg aku pegang dr kecil dlu...dan ia juge tebukti pd eisya...hampir 2 thn pisah dan skang bru dpt bek smule...do i have to do the samething like sya did?suposely x perlu...afiq bukan syed kan...dan keadaan kami sunggo bebeza....arghhh lpekan afiq...n eisya...aku x saba nk die kawen....aku nk jd pengapit bole x gaknye?hahaha....hmm act aku dh letey kot...sory...correction...bukan letey...tp ntah....saket kot tgk die saket...mrane kot tgk die mrane....haiihhh...2 thn beb...bukan lame...sighhh
2nd chapter:
ain still waiting for aezy comeback to her...she changed a lot i thing...haihhh...tp 2 la...gaknye sbb lame sgt couple kot jd catu..nikan aku ngn afiq kapel sethn pn mrane cm bethun....eisya kapel sethn pn mranenye 2 thn....ni kan lg ain yg kapel bethn2...saba je lakot...n tuttt
*moral of the story :- menyayangi seseorg dgn sepenuh ati ni...separoh mati ni....sunggoh!!! amat menyakitkan....sunggoh!!!*
(hoho...btw...aku mrepek a lot...mngkn hasil dr membace novel yg amat bnyk..tq)
dis weekend i'll go spend my days at cheras...kolej adik....im going to accompany adik to her interview session for tuuutttt
2 be continued
chow ci ci
bru saje abes class...mcm bese aku x menidurkan dri krane menyiapkan esemen...skali cume consultation daa...hoho...these days...keadaan emosi x bape tenang...lebe bnyk mengabes kan mase dgn brangan ke...bepk ke...aku pn xtau...tp yg paling aku suke dan menghayalkan adela dgn membace novel...beberape arini juga pkran aku senantese mlayang memiki kan afiq...rindukah die pd aku ato aku yg dh mule rindukan die smule setlah hampir setgh tahun kami x betemu dan 8 bulan lebe x becontact...haih...benci bena kot die pd aku...sentese jugak aku teingt blek waktu2 aku ngn die dlu...sweetnye...hoho..tbe2 je sengih sendri...walopon maranye lg aku kat afiq gak tp smpi saat ni honestly...the sweet memories tu la yg wat kan aku senantese nyenyak tido diteman kan sengih au sorang2...lgpon....aku xpunye ape2 lg tentang afiq...gamba paspot nye tlah pn ilang besame2 wallet vincci ku d langkawi....n dot3...
2 be continued...pejol kol ajak makan same ngn azman d street mall/terminal
2 be continued...pejol kol ajak makan same ngn azman d street mall/terminal
Monday, November 19, 2007
7 care yg disukai manusia...:--->
*chow ci ci*
1. Manusia suka kepada orang yang memberi perhatian kepada orang lain,
2. Manusia suka kepada orang yang mau mendengarkan ucapan mereka,
3. Manusia suka kepada orang yang menjauhi debat kusir,
4. Manusia suka kepada orang yang memberikan penghargaan dan penghormatan kepada orang lain,
5. Manusia suka kepada orang yang memberi kesempatan orang lain untuk maju,
6. Manusia suka kepada orang yang tahu berterima kasih atau suka membalas kebaikan,
7. Manusia suka kepada orang yang menjaga perasaan orang lain.
*chow ci ci*
Thursday, November 15, 2007
aku memontengkan dri ke klas pade mnggu ke2 ini...
dgn alasan demam
x demam mane pon...cume x sihat je...
musim kot
prubahan cuace...
lame dh x update blogger ni
so many things wanna tell here
tp sure2 la aku malas nk mnulis pnjng lebar...
yg pasti semnggu yg lpas aku idup dlm x tentu arah...
bgitu je skang kot...
neway...am still ari2 msg me...heihhh...
x fed up,fed up ke die ngn aku...
pning pale aku ngn mamat sorang ni
die x kesah ke aku dh x nah layan die lagi...
ke die mmg kurang memahami bahse
mampos aku klo die tau ape aku tulis ni,ape aku ckap...
rimas wehh
ingt lg pade afis...
pd awal2 blogger aku ade post pasal die..
mcm dh 2 thn kot kite org xbekawan sgt
maklumla aku bahagie je ngn afiq mase tu
but now...
he's back....
eiyyyy... aku x tau la...
kami bekawan smule n agak rapat...
tp aku x nak!!!!
pantang larang idup aku becinte ngn bf org ni
x nak arrr
18 kali u kate syg pon aku tetap x nak slagi u tu bf org
kalo u kate nk tggl die pon aku x nak...
simpang malaikat 44
aku x kepingin lg...
even geram nye aku
maranye aku kat afiq tu...
x pe la...
aku still bole idup sendri lg..
mmg smpi saat ni aku lebe senang dan maseh sendri(cewah ayat kerispatih ni aku ciplak)
bukan krane aku maseh setia kat afiq...
tp aku mau rehat dr mane2 comitment
letey weh
aku memontengkan dri ke klas pade mnggu ke2 ini...
dgn alasan demam
x demam mane pon...cume x sihat je...
musim kot
prubahan cuace...
lame dh x update blogger ni
so many things wanna tell here
tp sure2 la aku malas nk mnulis pnjng lebar...
yg pasti semnggu yg lpas aku idup dlm x tentu arah...
bgitu je skang kot...
neway...am still ari2 msg me...heihhh...
x fed up,fed up ke die ngn aku...
pning pale aku ngn mamat sorang ni
die x kesah ke aku dh x nah layan die lagi...
ke die mmg kurang memahami bahse
mampos aku klo die tau ape aku tulis ni,ape aku ckap...
rimas wehh
ingt lg pade afis...
pd awal2 blogger aku ade post pasal die..
mcm dh 2 thn kot kite org xbekawan sgt
maklumla aku bahagie je ngn afiq mase tu
but now...
he's back....
eiyyyy... aku x tau la...
kami bekawan smule n agak rapat...
tp aku x nak!!!!
pantang larang idup aku becinte ngn bf org ni
x nak arrr
18 kali u kate syg pon aku tetap x nak slagi u tu bf org
kalo u kate nk tggl die pon aku x nak...
simpang malaikat 44
aku x kepingin lg...
even geram nye aku
maranye aku kat afiq tu...
x pe la...
aku still bole idup sendri lg..
mmg smpi saat ni aku lebe senang dan maseh sendri(cewah ayat kerispatih ni aku ciplak)
bukan krane aku maseh setia kat afiq...
tp aku mau rehat dr mane2 comitment
letey weh
Monday, October 29, 2007
haih....aku sedang x senang duduk skang ni...didatangi a guy yg hadoih...arrrr...aku x slese la...pliz...x suke la org push2 ni...:(( uwwaaaa mumy!!!!hm...lantak la...hishhh...lantak pun susah...dh la...lantak la...but plis...stop pushing2 me...stop...ala...stop sume la...x suke la...rimas3...uwwwaaa!!!!:(( huk3...
Thursday, October 18, 2007
4th raye:
i went braye ramai2 wif all my skool frends...dgn erti kate len reunion pn ok gak...time2 raye ni jela kami bole bekumpul dan bersame smule tiap2 thn....dan bukan mudah untuk sesotu sekawanan bersame lg even dh 3 thn kami meninggalkan zaman persekolahan...but quite sad....ema,alin,miaza,alan,zack n apis were not around...masing2 dh nek kje,nek blaja,n ade gak yg x dpt cuti raye...neway...mcm bese bile baraan sebegini...yg lelaki pastinye membawa gefen masing2 gak even kami bukan dr kalangan kawan or mayb x bape bek...i donno whether yg kawan2 laki kami ni yg gatal2 mau bwk gefen mreke yg menyampahkan itu ato sememangnye gefen2 mreke tu yg berie2 nk ikot...maklumla takot sgt bofen2 mreke tu kami "blasah"...helo weh...kami sume ni dh bekawan bek dr skola...x kepingin la nk ngn bofen2 korang tu...dh knal sgt dh nakal degil drang tu...so mmg x de maknenye la kami kawan2 pompuan ni nak ngn kawan2 bek sendri...prof skit la beb...senang cte beginila...korang yg as gefen tu gaknye dpt kawan2 kami tu dgn care tehegeh2 sgt...tu jd takot sgt tu kami "gdik2" wif ur boys...gila apa!!!wat bengang...wat tensen je p braye ramai2...org beraye nk bek2 hapy2...bole wat hal plak...dh dgn bf2 kome skali menyampah ngn kome...eiy gram!!!suppose kawan2 aku 2 la yg kne jage gefen mreke bek2...kalo dh yg sebenanye korang yg menggatal ngn laki2 len...sada dri la beb...kalo kami yg pompuan2 ni buka mulut kantoi kome tu dating2 ngn laki len..trang2 la kne tggl kan...behave skit...:P
ok dh abes lpas gram...cow sin ci...eiiy!!!
p/s: hepy bifday fad!!!!huhu
i went braye ramai2 wif all my skool frends...dgn erti kate len reunion pn ok gak...time2 raye ni jela kami bole bekumpul dan bersame smule tiap2 thn....dan bukan mudah untuk sesotu sekawanan bersame lg even dh 3 thn kami meninggalkan zaman persekolahan...but quite sad....ema,alin,miaza,alan,zack n apis were not around...masing2 dh nek kje,nek blaja,n ade gak yg x dpt cuti raye...neway...mcm bese bile baraan sebegini...yg lelaki pastinye membawa gefen masing2 gak even kami bukan dr kalangan kawan or mayb x bape bek...i donno whether yg kawan2 laki kami ni yg gatal2 mau bwk gefen mreke yg menyampahkan itu ato sememangnye gefen2 mreke tu yg berie2 nk ikot...maklumla takot sgt bofen2 mreke tu kami "blasah"...helo weh...kami sume ni dh bekawan bek dr skola...x kepingin la nk ngn bofen2 korang tu...dh knal sgt dh nakal degil drang tu...so mmg x de maknenye la kami kawan2 pompuan ni nak ngn kawan2 bek sendri...prof skit la beb...senang cte beginila...korang yg as gefen tu gaknye dpt kawan2 kami tu dgn care tehegeh2 sgt...tu jd takot sgt tu kami "gdik2" wif ur boys...gila apa!!!wat bengang...wat tensen je p braye ramai2...org beraye nk bek2 hapy2...bole wat hal plak...dh dgn bf2 kome skali menyampah ngn kome...eiy gram!!!suppose kawan2 aku 2 la yg kne jage gefen mreke bek2...kalo dh yg sebenanye korang yg menggatal ngn laki2 len...sada dri la beb...kalo kami yg pompuan2 ni buka mulut kantoi kome tu dating2 ngn laki len..trang2 la kne tggl kan...behave skit...:P
ok dh abes lpas gram...cow sin ci...eiiy!!!
p/s: hepy bifday fad!!!!huhu
Monday, October 15, 2007
hari ni dh raye ke3...aku bru saje pulang dr kg papa di kote tnggi braye di sane besame adik2nye stlah 2 thn kami tidak braye besame...suppose ikot plan kami blek smlm tp dan oleh krane mama n mayb me :P mabuk mnonton MY GIRL n we decided to stay 1 more nite at ibu's house...but pak ngah n family blek on 2nd raye gak coz they have to raye at kuale slangor plak...neway, 2 ari seblom raye, at nite aku n awin went to pasa near my house,klua dlm kol 9 n i went back home at 2 in the morning:P...hehe.we lepak2 wif my frends mase skola...alan,apis,azie n arif je kot yg x de.n the girls sume x de except me n awin...cos they have to kmas2 umah lg:D n ema x blek raye tahun ni cos shez on duty dis year...hm mlm raye plak.noe wat...adik n i helped mama jual nasi lemak d pasa...klaka siot.saje bejual n saje cuci2 mate...lgpn mlayan kan mama 2 nak sgt jual nasi lemak mlm2 raye...hm ye le.hihihi;)) bez gak...ooo on that nite i met sum1...sum1 yg ssh sgt aku jmp even kami dh agak lame jugak bekawan...he is fad.from batu pahat.aku knal die dlm myspace n then we started chating kat ym.hoho.tgk gamba bese je...cam pompuan muke...jmp dpan2 pn muke cam pompuan gak tp lebe "lawa" kot tgk die in person...:P...2nite...im going to ym die mntk no fon coz i lost it or mayb aku rase afiq dlete it few months ago...bukan ape...nk wish bifday die on 18th oct ni...mlm raye tu...pas tutup kdai aku lepak2 lg ngn my frends at mapley then we went home kol 5 lebe...:P seb bek kami kaum pompuan ni bukan wajib menunaikan semayang raye:P...hoho..1st raye...me n my family arrived at tok bah's house lpas zoho...then we went to ibu's house then kami beberape kete braye ke tanjung sedili plak ke umah our nenek2's sedare blah arwah tok yah kot:P...aku pn x sure la:D...lazly smpi di umah arwah tok anjang di kg makam, kami mengambil langkah blek awal...kerane sume kebulok...after we had our dinner...aku,adik,kak ila,abg aim,abg shah,reza n aziq,we hang out to jb...tp abg sha n abg aim suda klua dlu menaiki honda n kami klua lmbt skit drove the pajero(act pajero ni syed hamid nye,he left his car at my aunt house cos he have urgent meeting n went back to kl by flight)sbb minyak nye pn banyak...eh full act haha...so we blasah la pki p jb...we went to cs ngt nk watched movie...but at laz we klua dr cd tu then p karoke at diva...be7 spapat, we took the medium room wif 2+1 hours...dan nyanyi la kami slame 3 jam dlm 2:D...smpi tebaring-baring krane keletihan...blek kol 3 lebe tu kami singgah d singgah slalu supper kat situ...hoho...thnx to abg shah yg membelanje kami makan...but quite sad tht he gonna tunang dis 27 oct wif kak baby from KKB gak...mayb ssh la kot pasni kami cousin2 mau huha2...but i hope not...:...hm kol5 tu kami pulang tros ke kote tnggi smule...but abg aim n abg shah slept at another ibu's house at apartment near stadium larkin tu...n tht morning spi umah kami tros pengsan keletihan...:Dok la...i have to blek dh...kat cc ni...wat kan emel boboy ni ha n myspace skali...maklumla,cousins sume ade myspace...die nk gak..:Pk la...slamat ari raye ke3...n hepy bifday my lovely frend SHALEEN...muacchhz!!!
p/s: got sumthing special mayb 2 tell...continue later k...:P
p/s: got sumthing special mayb 2 tell...continue later k...:P
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
all alone...
outside i see the rain is falling....
inside im slowly dying...
but the rain will hide me crying...
Don't you know my tears will burn the pillow...
Set this place on fire...
Cause I'm tired of dis life...
hope dis raye will be my happiest raye...
n njoyness vacation...
beberape ari ni pikiran...
ati x tenang je...
kenape yek?
Sunday, October 07, 2007
ella: saje msg nk menyokong statemant tu
eyna: hahaha
eyna: thanx
eyna: takpelah ella..
eyna: lelaki takkan dapat menghargai diri kita
eyna: sehinggalah dia kehilangan kite
ella: tp kalo die ilang kite pn die cm x hargai juga?
eyna: xpelah..at least mende tu akan jadikan pengalaman n iktibar tuk kita
eyna: insyAllah..suatu hari nnt dia akan terfikir jugak
eyna: akan terdetik jugak kat hati dia
ella: hehe
ella: ok...
eyna: nape ella sedey???
ella: x la...
ella: beh kak eyna sedey
ella: saje je wat icon tu skali
ella: hehe
ella: neway 10q
eyna: apsal ella tq laks?
eyna: cam pelik jerk...
eyna: ada pape ker nie?
ella: x la...
ella: saje tye je...
eyna: hahaha
eyna: thanx
eyna: takpelah ella..
eyna: lelaki takkan dapat menghargai diri kita
eyna: sehinggalah dia kehilangan kite
ella: tp kalo die ilang kite pn die cm x hargai juga?
eyna: xpelah..at least mende tu akan jadikan pengalaman n iktibar tuk kita
eyna: insyAllah..suatu hari nnt dia akan terfikir jugak
eyna: akan terdetik jugak kat hati dia
ella: hehe
ella: ok...
eyna: nape ella sedey???
ella: x la...
ella: beh kak eyna sedey
ella: saje je wat icon tu skali
ella: hehe
ella: neway 10q
eyna: apsal ella tq laks?
eyna: cam pelik jerk...
eyna: ada pape ker nie?
ella: x la...
ella: saje tye je...
Sunday, September 30, 2007
sum1's father passed away laz nite n takziah for him...
otw back to mmu laz nite from kak huda's house(we broke our fast there-->pdhal x pose pon aku n eisya)...we talked too much...discuss sumthing...n storied the past...the past of the mistakes...mistakes that cant b erase 4 the entire of our life...or cud be my life as well...
trauma, fobia,worry,scared dh mule blek dlm diri aku ni...but im still let it happen? y ha? who cares...better stop or/and myself have to start to control "it" b4 it goes lebe jao dan lebe burok..."it" shud not happen twice :( ...lgpon mals nk brat2 kpale...letey...
categories or criterias of frends...everbody have their own... dan aku slese wif those...cumenye pelu ade "line" die. dan dri kite la yg perlu tetapkan "line" tu...hm kite ke? act me...
i juz wanna b frend...i dont mind or dont care act wif any of ur comitments but stop treating me like im foolish...i like n luv to b ur frend...coz u always there when im in need... n sad maybe...
2 be continue...bosan:P
ella study2!!!!
sum1's father passed away laz nite n takziah for him...
otw back to mmu laz nite from kak huda's house(we broke our fast there-->pdhal x pose pon aku n eisya)...we talked too much...discuss sumthing...n storied the past...the past of the mistakes...mistakes that cant b erase 4 the entire of our life...or cud be my life as well...
trauma, fobia,worry,scared dh mule blek dlm diri aku ni...but im still let it happen? y ha? who cares...better stop or/and myself have to start to control "it" b4 it goes lebe jao dan lebe burok..."it" shud not happen twice :( ...lgpon mals nk brat2 kpale...letey...
categories or criterias of frends...everbody have their own... dan aku slese wif those...cumenye pelu ade "line" die. dan dri kite la yg perlu tetapkan "line" tu...hm kite ke? act me...
i juz wanna b frend...i dont mind or dont care act wif any of ur comitments but stop treating me like im foolish...i like n luv to b ur frend...coz u always there when im in need... n sad maybe...
2 be continue...bosan:P
ella study2!!!!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
1/10 --> interactive studies final exam
3/10 --> submission final pojek vr
8/10 --> experiential studies final exam
*o lupe...on 25/9 aritu afiq's bifday...4got to post here+ malas...besides, aku pn x wish die...*
*controlling myself not to go far from the redline...haha:P*
*is pretending = hypocrite?*
*im off for few days of fasting...hoho...x bez...kne ganti pose tahun ni :D*
eisya*kak huda*wani*jaja*
luv u all very much...much2!!!
10q very much for helping when im in need:D
1/10 --> interactive studies final exam
3/10 --> submission final pojek vr
8/10 --> experiential studies final exam
*o lupe...on 25/9 aritu afiq's bifday...4got to post here+ malas...besides, aku pn x wish die...*
*controlling myself not to go far from the redline...haha:P*
*is pretending = hypocrite?*
*im off for few days of fasting...hoho...x bez...kne ganti pose tahun ni :D*
eisya*kak huda*wani*jaja*
luv u all very much...much2!!!
10q very much for helping when im in need:D
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
im addicted to dis song
letto~sebelum cahaya
Ku teringat hati
Yang bertabur mimpi
Kemana kau pergi cinta
Perjalanan sunyi
Engkau tempuh sendiri
Kuatkanlah hati cinta
Ingatkan engkau kepada
Embun pagi bersahaja
Yang menemanimu sebelum cahaya
Ingatkan engkau kepada
Angin yang berhembus mesra
Yang kan membelaimu cinta
Kekuatan hati yang berpegang janji
Kekuatan hati yang berpegang janji
Genggamlah tanganku cinta
Ku tak akan pergi meninggalkanmu sendiri
Temani hatimu cinta
Ku teringat hati
Yang bertabur mimpi
Kemana kau pergi cinta
Perjalanan sunyi
Engkau tempuh sendiri
Kuatkanlah hati cinta
Thursday, September 13, 2007
~dialogue antare 2 darjah~
4 dis entry im post the dialogue btwen my rumate n my grupmate...
n gile punye sengal of dialogue
so lets check3 it out
faizul: aku ske travel
faizul: tp bulan ni takde org kawen plak
ain: oo
ain: ko kawen la
faizul: awek pon takde
faizul: kalo ko nak kawen ngan aku mau la
ain: hahah
ain: tunggu aku siapkan assgnmnt dlu
ain: pastu aku fikirkan
ain: faizul: kena tunggu dulu
faizul: nampak sgt ko tidak cintakan aku
faizul: ahaha
faizul: pergilah ko bersama pemain trompet itu
ain: aku bukan tidak cintakan ko
ain: tp dia sgt handal bermain trompet
faizul: jikalau begitu
faizul: biarlah aku mengundur diri
ain: oh tidak
faizul: undur diri ke katil
faizul: lalu tido
ain: maafkan aku
ain: tapi jika itu keputusanmu
ain: maka silalah
faizul: ko tidak bersalah
faizul: yg bersalahnya aku
faizul: kerana aku tak bisa menyayangimu sepenuh hati
ain: adakah kau juga mencintai orang lain?
faizul: tidak
faizul: dihatiku hanya dirimu seorang
faizul: sampai akhir hayatku pon aku tetapi menyintaimu
faizul: tetapi ko lebih penting si trompetmen
faizul: aku hanya insan biasa
faizul: yang cuma mampu menaruh harapan
faizul: tetapi harapanku punah
faizul: musnah
ain: aduhai
faizul: kau tidak perlu berkata apa2
faizul: biarlah masa yang menentukan segalanya
ain: aku..
faizul: *lalu perempuan itu ke belakang pentas*
faizul: *tirai dilabuhkan tutup*
ain: aku tak abes berckp lg
faizul: ok2
faizul: *tirai dibuka kembali*
faizul: *si perempuan itu muncul skali lagi*
faizul: *dia kelihatan mundar mandir*
ain: aku.
faizul: * seolah2 ada sesuatu yg ingin disampaikan yg masih tersirat dalam hatinya*
faizul: ok sambung
ain: maafkan aku
ain: kau membuatkan aku rase bersalah
ain: maafkan aku
ain: aku tak berdaye
ain: mencintai dua insan dlm satu masa
faizul: tetapi mengapa memilihnya dari aku
faizul: aku punya harta
faizul: punya masa depan
faizul: punya kasih sayang lengkap semua hanya utkmu
faizul: tapi mengapa kau lebihkan dia
ain: ade sesuatu yg membuatkan nya lain dr mu
ain: dia pandai berjenaka
faizul: aku juga begitu
ain: iya
faizul: adakah jenaka aku merupakan satu radio rosak yg tidak kau ingin dengari
ain: kau mmg pandai berjenaka
ain: iya.. radio rosak
ain: itu maksudku
faizul: akhirnya aku mengerti
faizul: kelihatannya seperti pertemuankan kita hanya sia2
faizul: sudahlah
faizul: biarkan aku pergi
ain: maafkan aku
faizul: pergi membawa hati kecil yg semakin meretak
faizul: meretak yg menunggu saat berkecai
faizul: dan apabila ianya berkeca
ifaizul: jgnla kau menyebut nama aku lagi
faizul: biarkan aku hanya dalam sejarah memorimu
faizul: sejarah insan yg penah membahagiakanmu
faizul: walaupon hanya sementara
ain: maafkan aku..
ain: *lalu perempuan itu menyerahkan sesuatu kepada si lelaki*
ain: *rupanye itu ialah cincin yg menjadi saksin ikrar mereka utk hidup bersama*
faizul: *si perempuan terus berlalu pergi sambil mengesat matanya yg berlinangan air mata*
faizul: *tirai dilabuhkan*
faizul: penat aku berpk
faizul: ahaha
ain: aku pon penat
hapy fasting day sume
smoge bulan ramadhan ini sentese diberkati
n hope tht aku dpt pose full lg
n gile punye sengal of dialogue
so lets check3 it out
faizul: aku ske travel
faizul: tp bulan ni takde org kawen plak
ain: oo
ain: ko kawen la
faizul: awek pon takde
faizul: kalo ko nak kawen ngan aku mau la
ain: hahah
ain: tunggu aku siapkan assgnmnt dlu
ain: pastu aku fikirkan
ain: faizul: kena tunggu dulu
faizul: nampak sgt ko tidak cintakan aku
faizul: ahaha
faizul: pergilah ko bersama pemain trompet itu
ain: aku bukan tidak cintakan ko
ain: tp dia sgt handal bermain trompet
faizul: jikalau begitu
faizul: biarlah aku mengundur diri
ain: oh tidak
faizul: undur diri ke katil
faizul: lalu tido
ain: maafkan aku
ain: tapi jika itu keputusanmu
ain: maka silalah
faizul: ko tidak bersalah
faizul: yg bersalahnya aku
faizul: kerana aku tak bisa menyayangimu sepenuh hati
ain: adakah kau juga mencintai orang lain?
faizul: tidak
faizul: dihatiku hanya dirimu seorang
faizul: sampai akhir hayatku pon aku tetapi menyintaimu
faizul: tetapi ko lebih penting si trompetmen
faizul: aku hanya insan biasa
faizul: yang cuma mampu menaruh harapan
faizul: tetapi harapanku punah
faizul: musnah
ain: aduhai
faizul: kau tidak perlu berkata apa2
faizul: biarlah masa yang menentukan segalanya
ain: aku..
faizul: *lalu perempuan itu ke belakang pentas*
faizul: *tirai dilabuhkan tutup*
ain: aku tak abes berckp lg
faizul: ok2
faizul: *tirai dibuka kembali*
faizul: *si perempuan itu muncul skali lagi*
faizul: *dia kelihatan mundar mandir*
ain: aku.
faizul: * seolah2 ada sesuatu yg ingin disampaikan yg masih tersirat dalam hatinya*
faizul: ok sambung
ain: maafkan aku
ain: kau membuatkan aku rase bersalah
ain: maafkan aku
ain: aku tak berdaye
ain: mencintai dua insan dlm satu masa
faizul: tetapi mengapa memilihnya dari aku
faizul: aku punya harta
faizul: punya masa depan
faizul: punya kasih sayang lengkap semua hanya utkmu
faizul: tapi mengapa kau lebihkan dia
ain: ade sesuatu yg membuatkan nya lain dr mu
ain: dia pandai berjenaka
faizul: aku juga begitu
ain: iya
faizul: adakah jenaka aku merupakan satu radio rosak yg tidak kau ingin dengari
ain: kau mmg pandai berjenaka
ain: iya.. radio rosak
ain: itu maksudku
faizul: akhirnya aku mengerti
faizul: kelihatannya seperti pertemuankan kita hanya sia2
faizul: sudahlah
faizul: biarkan aku pergi
ain: maafkan aku
faizul: pergi membawa hati kecil yg semakin meretak
faizul: meretak yg menunggu saat berkecai
faizul: dan apabila ianya berkeca
ifaizul: jgnla kau menyebut nama aku lagi
faizul: biarkan aku hanya dalam sejarah memorimu
faizul: sejarah insan yg penah membahagiakanmu
faizul: walaupon hanya sementara
ain: maafkan aku..
ain: *lalu perempuan itu menyerahkan sesuatu kepada si lelaki*
ain: *rupanye itu ialah cincin yg menjadi saksin ikrar mereka utk hidup bersama*
faizul: *si perempuan terus berlalu pergi sambil mengesat matanya yg berlinangan air mata*
faizul: *tirai dilabuhkan*
faizul: penat aku berpk
faizul: ahaha
ain: aku pon penat
hapy fasting day sume
smoge bulan ramadhan ini sentese diberkati
n hope tht aku dpt pose full lg
Thursday, September 06, 2007
i hurt myself
and i hate myself
by luving u...
pegi mampos...
fcuk for those memory...
hope not 2 c u again til my laz breath...
:(( :(( :((
Saturday, August 18, 2007
mimpi yang x sudah
Apa maknanya impian
Datang dan pergi
Membawa hati
Menyusuri kembali
Jalan-jalan sepi
Kau kah di situ Yang menantiku
Atau jelmaan Titik kenangan
Yang bernama pengalaman
Siapakah di antara kita
Dengan rela menjadi pendusta
Siapakah dulu membina harapan
Dan siapa yang memusnahkan impian
Tanpa sebab dan alasan
Kau mainkan perasaan
Bagai taufan tiba-tiba datang
Dan menghilang
Kau bayang-bayang
Masa nan silam
Ada ketika terbawa-bawa
Oleh resah mimpi yang tak sudah
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
morning..cuace pg ni sunggo cerah...ato mendung ke...ar x sure la...tp se tenang je tgk cuace ari ni...act aku dh bgn pg2 kol 7 lebe...tu pon setlah aku dgr bunyi letupan buzz oleh deng di corong speaker aku...bgn larung semayang subo gak...then tetido blek...:P
(...ops...ha!!!ujan plak dh...lebat kot...beznye dpt men ujan...aduih...rindu mau men ujan...)
bajet bgn awal nk wat esemen...tp x bole tahan gak...ahirnye aku smbng tido hingge ke pkul 9...ku lihat ym list ramai yg idle...pasti sume sedang menikmati slide di class masing2...skang ni dgn diselaputi bau2an rejoice aku membina semangat tok meneruskan esemen aku dan task2 klinik spm...
(lately...aku mengalami masalh letey,kuat tido,pemalas yg amat,wat else...so esemen2 ngn study aku ade skit teganggu)
ok cte sal semalam...cume tnggl x dapat hajah je...aku menawaf sekitar damansara tu maunye lebe 8 kali...so lpas ni mmg aku arif gile la kot segale ape jenis damnsara...aku pi ngn nad mencari skola kota damansara untuk klinik spm 2...mmg la aku blur gak orgnye...tp disebabkan lebe bnyk pot pet pot pet...pung pang pung pang... mmg la jawapan nye kje tebabas dan sesat...
dr a-z nad meluahkan segale ape...cop...klo tipu die,tipu la aku k...ape yg dicritekan 2 bio la aku smpn je...ape yg patot je aku cte...bukan ape...aku sendri x tau mende 2 btol x...
lebe bek simpan sendri...malas nk cri pasal...but in another situation...aku x tau la klo2 ape yg dicite2-cite tu hanye untuk kesaikosan...tp smlm mood aku x bape bek..x tau la disebabkan cte2 nad tu ke...or sbb aku keletihan yg amat sgt...dgn tensennye x wat2 esemen lg...so yg jd mangsenye deng la...sedas kne ngn aku...haih...saba je la mamat 2 dgn aku...asik kje kne je dgn aku
(aik...ujan menjadi grimis plak dh...tp cuace amatnye glap)
act...skang ni i have to go to bank...mau byr duit trip class vr rm250...then byr fees...tp ujan plak...then...aku nk ajak org teman aku pi ni...:P...haih...klo la ade sya...sume bole je punye...heee:D...blek cpat weh...rindu gile ni...
- pending:
* my shin goon from eisya...
*a red bag from FILA
*an eskrim of baskin robin fron deng...haha
chow...continue doing my work...;)
(...ops...ha!!!ujan plak dh...lebat kot...beznye dpt men ujan...aduih...rindu mau men ujan...)
bajet bgn awal nk wat esemen...tp x bole tahan gak...ahirnye aku smbng tido hingge ke pkul 9...ku lihat ym list ramai yg idle...pasti sume sedang menikmati slide di class masing2...skang ni dgn diselaputi bau2an rejoice aku membina semangat tok meneruskan esemen aku dan task2 klinik spm...
(lately...aku mengalami masalh letey,kuat tido,pemalas yg amat,wat else...so esemen2 ngn study aku ade skit teganggu)
ok cte sal semalam...cume tnggl x dapat hajah je...aku menawaf sekitar damansara tu maunye lebe 8 kali...so lpas ni mmg aku arif gile la kot segale ape jenis damnsara...aku pi ngn nad mencari skola kota damansara untuk klinik spm 2...mmg la aku blur gak orgnye...tp disebabkan lebe bnyk pot pet pot pet...pung pang pung pang... mmg la jawapan nye kje tebabas dan sesat...
dr a-z nad meluahkan segale ape...cop...klo tipu die,tipu la aku k...ape yg dicritekan 2 bio la aku smpn je...ape yg patot je aku cte...bukan ape...aku sendri x tau mende 2 btol x...
lebe bek simpan sendri...malas nk cri pasal...but in another situation...aku x tau la klo2 ape yg dicite2-cite tu hanye untuk kesaikosan...tp smlm mood aku x bape bek..x tau la disebabkan cte2 nad tu ke...or sbb aku keletihan yg amat sgt...dgn tensennye x wat2 esemen lg...so yg jd mangsenye deng la...sedas kne ngn aku...haih...saba je la mamat 2 dgn aku...asik kje kne je dgn aku
(aik...ujan menjadi grimis plak dh...tp cuace amatnye glap)
act...skang ni i have to go to bank...mau byr duit trip class vr rm250...then byr fees...tp ujan plak...then...aku nk ajak org teman aku pi ni...:P...haih...klo la ade sya...sume bole je punye...heee:D...blek cpat weh...rindu gile ni...
- pending:
* my shin goon from eisya...
*a red bag from FILA
*an eskrim of baskin robin fron deng...haha
chow...continue doing my work...;)
Monday, August 13, 2007
dh semnggu kot x update blog ni...gambo2 kat redang pon x upload abes lg...hm, bez kot redang...sweet memory...hoho.snorkeling bez!!!tekapai2 itik aku brenang...haha.pas2....umah kak eyna...pergh!!!papa!!! mama!!! mmg umah kak eyna tu umah idaman mu...gile cantik...besa...argh mcm2 bez la...
even i have a week holiday....but aku cume ade di parit raje tuk beberape ari saje...sempat la gak klua minum ngn arif, zack, azie...n noe wat...cam bese...aku mmg x leh kat bp tu lame2...mcm2 x kne...i miz afiq kot...:(...i noe its him on the phone...
mnggu ni adelah mnggu bingung bg aku...ari sabtu je aku smpi serdang aku dh dibingungkan dgn deng n abg sab...nk cte kat sini pon ssh...gile pning aku dikejekan dak 2 tu...
smpi la saat ini aku maseh bingung ngn keadaan alam sekitar...esemen lg...waduh2....dh x leh sonok2 sgt dh ella...blaja2...esemen2...hoho
ops...10.54 dh... i have to go...ade meeting gempar hicom...i donno sbb ape...but i feel like x sedap ati kot...lg2 skang ni hicom2 sedang mengalami masalah/kontrovesi kot.haha...
eh dh...2 be continue...udah lambat...chow...
*..."ella ko jeles ek?"...*
*..."klo ko 2 bf aku x pe gak nk jeles"...*
*ain la ni punye ayat smpi **** tye catu*
even i have a week holiday....but aku cume ade di parit raje tuk beberape ari saje...sempat la gak klua minum ngn arif, zack, azie...n noe wat...cam bese...aku mmg x leh kat bp tu lame2...mcm2 x kne...i miz afiq kot...:(...i noe its him on the phone...
mnggu ni adelah mnggu bingung bg aku...ari sabtu je aku smpi serdang aku dh dibingungkan dgn deng n abg sab...nk cte kat sini pon ssh...gile pning aku dikejekan dak 2 tu...
smpi la saat ini aku maseh bingung ngn keadaan alam sekitar...esemen lg...waduh2....dh x leh sonok2 sgt dh ella...blaja2...esemen2...hoho
ops...10.54 dh... i have to go...ade meeting gempar hicom...i donno sbb ape...but i feel like x sedap ati kot...lg2 skang ni hicom2 sedang mengalami masalah/kontrovesi kot.haha...
eh dh...2 be continue...udah lambat...chow...
*..."ella ko jeles ek?"...*
*..."klo ko 2 bf aku x pe gak nk jeles"...*
*ain la ni punye ayat smpi **** tye catu*
Friday, August 03, 2007
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
??? 2
knew him have to go n9...
tomorrow act...
nape nk sedey?
hm ntahla...
even sumtimes i didn't care bout him nemore...
nk tulis pn xtau dh...
perlu ke sedey2 ni?
ntah die ingt...
or die care bout me lg ntah x....
eh perlu ke pk die lg...
do stop...
stop from thinking of him...
ella yg surender...
ella yg plih jalan senyap...
so ella kne kuat...
*had a stomachache*
*gile saket kot*
cane r kite suke sum1 tu...
tp bukan suke tuk becinte ke...
rindu ke...
sayang ke...
or special...
tp sbb kite slese die ade...
wat kite hepy...
wat kite lupe mende2 tensen...
mende2 sedey...
n bile die xde...
kite cri...
tp masalhnye org x faham...
org slah faham...
dan aku malula...:P
dan paling takut...
klo2 die tu org punye...
tp kite nk kawan je...
kawan jer...
Monday, July 23, 2007
a very good magrib...rushing cuci2 baju basah semlam then bru teringt...i didn't pray for asar yet...heh bingai ni...saye period la...hehe.now, i'm feel so bored coz im alone in this room...but lucky eisya is still on9...at least i got frend to bebel 2...ain went out wif aezy n huda i donno wheter she will blek mmu or not...
30 minutes ago i came back from serdang coz i park my car at hentian serdang...when i arrived there...my family already waiting for me...then we went to ipb cheras coz anta adik register as a new student there...dekat sane...we met sofi...hoho...ni lg sorang adik, i already didn't meet him for a long2 time...eh ye ke...se cam 2/3 weeks ago je plak...:P...forgot 2 ask him whether mak n abah siht x? hm afiq too....
btw, adik told me...mak n abah said afiq 2 sedang "misteri"...went adik went to his house, all the barang afiq already packed in his beg but no 1 know where he wanna go...but i think tht sofi knew it...n i was thinking to juz ignore it...its better n more2 better aku x amek tau hal die lg like i did b4...n i wish not to see him again buat mase ni...correction...not bcoz of i hate him or sumthing -tive...but i need peace skang ni...i dont wanna have a crazy mind again...exhausted...
for the time being...i njoy wif my life here...even im quite bz wif those assignments n hampir every nite i had to attend meeting...but im happy...at least aku x rase asik nak blek n miss "him".yesterday...i went to sg chongkak coz ade ice breaking for freshiers there...hoho...pnat gile wooo...coz smlm when the treasure hunt started...ujan trun dgn lebat yg amat sangat...n my task was to jage check point spider wet" which is i have to dudok je dlm sg 2 wif deng n miff...pergh gile kaw2 sejuk...mcm air kat cameron dh...n the air sunggo deras so we planed other obstacle for them...mase 2...ha!!!while we tggu other grups dtg...we sat on the big rock near the sg....n i get shocked tbe2 nmpk sumthing "menjalar" rite beside me...skali ular n aku jerit kuat la "ular!!!!" then 3-3 of us jumped tros ke tebing...wohhh...even the snake looked small but ia sgt panjang...lpas 2 ular 2 ilang trus dlm sg...eiy!!!! fobia2....is it the sign of my mimpi...dh twice aku mimpi ade ular dtg n laz week aku mimpi ular 2 dtg lg n bite me...arghhh takutnye...aneway...programme sek@mmu tu sgt njoy...all of the commitees sgt la bek n their cooperations are highly appreciated...i have sumthing to tell here too...but i donno how to write, how to story, or how to express my feeling here...sbb saye malu...:P hehe.
anyway...sumthing sure here "ingt ella, jgn prasan lebe2" haha...
aku tgh CONFIUS ni
i need a decision here...
blek/ tidak?
30 minutes ago i came back from serdang coz i park my car at hentian serdang...when i arrived there...my family already waiting for me...then we went to ipb cheras coz anta adik register as a new student there...dekat sane...we met sofi...hoho...ni lg sorang adik, i already didn't meet him for a long2 time...eh ye ke...se cam 2/3 weeks ago je plak...:P...forgot 2 ask him whether mak n abah siht x? hm afiq too....
btw, adik told me...mak n abah said afiq 2 sedang "misteri"...went adik went to his house, all the barang afiq already packed in his beg but no 1 know where he wanna go...but i think tht sofi knew it...n i was thinking to juz ignore it...its better n more2 better aku x amek tau hal die lg like i did b4...n i wish not to see him again buat mase ni...correction...not bcoz of i hate him or sumthing -tive...but i need peace skang ni...i dont wanna have a crazy mind again...exhausted...
for the time being...i njoy wif my life here...even im quite bz wif those assignments n hampir every nite i had to attend meeting...but im happy...at least aku x rase asik nak blek n miss "him".yesterday...i went to sg chongkak coz ade ice breaking for freshiers there...hoho...pnat gile wooo...coz smlm when the treasure hunt started...ujan trun dgn lebat yg amat sangat...n my task was to jage check point spider wet" which is i have to dudok je dlm sg 2 wif deng n miff...pergh gile kaw2 sejuk...mcm air kat cameron dh...n the air sunggo deras so we planed other obstacle for them...mase 2...ha!!!while we tggu other grups dtg...we sat on the big rock near the sg....n i get shocked tbe2 nmpk sumthing "menjalar" rite beside me...skali ular n aku jerit kuat la "ular!!!!" then 3-3 of us jumped tros ke tebing...wohhh...even the snake looked small but ia sgt panjang...lpas 2 ular 2 ilang trus dlm sg...eiy!!!! fobia2....is it the sign of my mimpi...dh twice aku mimpi ade ular dtg n laz week aku mimpi ular 2 dtg lg n bite me...arghhh takutnye...aneway...programme sek@mmu tu sgt njoy...all of the commitees sgt la bek n their cooperations are highly appreciated...i have sumthing to tell here too...but i donno how to write, how to story, or how to express my feeling here...sbb saye malu...:P hehe.
anyway...sumthing sure here "ingt ella, jgn prasan lebe2" haha...
aku tgh CONFIUS ni
i need a decision here...
blek/ tidak?
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Horoscope for July 21, 2007
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Can you hear your inner engine revving up? You're raring to go, and today is a perfect time for you to take off! The runway is clear, and the skies are cloudless and blue -- head off into the wild blue yonder! Aim for your most ambitious goals, because you are in a phase of life where they are more possible than ever. You have an excellent team of people in your corner. They're ready to tell you what you need to hear to feel powerful and good about yourself!
Can you hear your inner engine revving up? You're raring to go, and today is a perfect time for you to take off! The runway is clear, and the skies are cloudless and blue -- head off into the wild blue yonder! Aim for your most ambitious goals, because you are in a phase of life where they are more possible than ever. You have an excellent team of people in your corner. They're ready to tell you what you need to hear to feel powerful and good about yourself!
Friday, July 20, 2007
20 july 2007 --- 4 in the morning
-->saved items
-->my afiq
laz nite b4 i slept...laying on the bed n opened up my phone...read the past of afiq's messages...each of it...i cried again...hm how this could be happened...n when it'll be stop bothering me...everyday...again n again...wondering~confuse~curious~sadness~
Thursday, July 19, 2007
1.Kamu rasa kamu lawa ke?
- hm bese je kot...:P
2.kamu memiliki telefon bimbit pada umur berapa?
- abeh skola
3.Salah satu parut pada kamu, macam mana kamu dapat?
- fell from motorcycle
4.Minuman kegemaran?
- vanilla coke
5.Tabiat buruk kamu?
- gigit kuku
6.Kali terakhir kamu menangis?
- i dont really remember
7.Namakan mereka yang ada di Top Friend kamu?
- adik,eisya,sauphy,shaleen,hm lupe dh...
8.Kamu rindukan siapa?
- my family
9.Adakah kamu pandai memasak?
- bole la...hoho
10.Siapa yang sedang online di senaraiYM kamu?
- so many
11.Kamu sedang mendengar lagu apa?
- no music
12.Hadiah yang kamu dapat dan dari siapa?
- ???arghh...4got
13.Apa perasaan kamu sekarang?
- hm nk blek bp kot:(
14.Siapakah orang terakhir yang memberi komen kepada kamu?
- pai senye
15.Perkara yang kamu nanti-nantikan?
- mama get 1 more kantin...i x saba mau shopping!!!!
16.Makanan pilihan kamu di McD?
- 1 set of double cheeseburger n a small chick porridge
17.Siti Nurhaliza ke Jaclyn Victor?
- both
18.SMS terakhir yang kamu terima dan dari siapa?
- "ella, aku dh kat blik" by ain
19.Apa yang kamu buat jika berasa marah@ geram?
- open up my winamp, nyanyi kuat2 n nangis...:)
20.Siapa orang terakhir yang bercakap dengan kamu di telepon
- my adik i think
21.Kalau kamu diberi peluang untuk membunuh dan membunuh itu x berdosa,kamu akan bunuh siapa?
- afiq!!!he made me crazy.
22.3 perkara yang kamu sedang lakukan sekarang?
- typing dis
23.Siapa yang berada dengan kamus ekarang?
- ain, she's sleeping
24.Perkara yang akan kamu lakukan hujung minggu ini?
- ice-breaking 4 freshier kat sg congkak
25.Item kegemaran kamu?
- my kamera,my nset,my pc
26.Dimana tempat pilihan kamu untukberbulan madu?
- sumwhere at the beach or tempat sejuk...
27.Adakah kamu menyukai seseorang sekarang?
- yes/no, yes/no...im x sure
28.Perkara yang kamu tidak suka semasa di sekolah?
- exam...haha
- hm bese je kot...:P
2.kamu memiliki telefon bimbit pada umur berapa?
- abeh skola
3.Salah satu parut pada kamu, macam mana kamu dapat?
- fell from motorcycle
4.Minuman kegemaran?
- vanilla coke
5.Tabiat buruk kamu?
- gigit kuku
6.Kali terakhir kamu menangis?
- i dont really remember
7.Namakan mereka yang ada di Top Friend kamu?
- adik,eisya,sauphy,shaleen,hm lupe dh...
8.Kamu rindukan siapa?
- my family
9.Adakah kamu pandai memasak?
- bole la...hoho
10.Siapa yang sedang online di senaraiYM kamu?
- so many
11.Kamu sedang mendengar lagu apa?
- no music
12.Hadiah yang kamu dapat dan dari siapa?
- ???arghh...4got
13.Apa perasaan kamu sekarang?
- hm nk blek bp kot:(
14.Siapakah orang terakhir yang memberi komen kepada kamu?
- pai senye
15.Perkara yang kamu nanti-nantikan?
- mama get 1 more kantin...i x saba mau shopping!!!!
16.Makanan pilihan kamu di McD?
- 1 set of double cheeseburger n a small chick porridge
17.Siti Nurhaliza ke Jaclyn Victor?
- both
18.SMS terakhir yang kamu terima dan dari siapa?
- "ella, aku dh kat blik" by ain
19.Apa yang kamu buat jika berasa marah@ geram?
- open up my winamp, nyanyi kuat2 n nangis...:)
20.Siapa orang terakhir yang bercakap dengan kamu di telepon
- my adik i think
21.Kalau kamu diberi peluang untuk membunuh dan membunuh itu x berdosa,kamu akan bunuh siapa?
- afiq!!!he made me crazy.
22.3 perkara yang kamu sedang lakukan sekarang?
- typing dis
23.Siapa yang berada dengan kamus ekarang?
- ain, she's sleeping
24.Perkara yang akan kamu lakukan hujung minggu ini?
- ice-breaking 4 freshier kat sg congkak
25.Item kegemaran kamu?
- my kamera,my nset,my pc
26.Dimana tempat pilihan kamu untukberbulan madu?
- sumwhere at the beach or tempat sejuk...
27.Adakah kamu menyukai seseorang sekarang?
- yes/no, yes/no...im x sure
28.Perkara yang kamu tidak suka semasa di sekolah?
- exam...haha
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
due to previous post
continue wif the post of 11 n 16 july...
the girl that i storied b4 is totin...i really dont expect that i will meet her that day..."korang knal kiteorg x?eh slah...means pnah x nmpk kiteorg dimane2?"...hehe.i juz smiled wif those questions...i donno whether they noe the meaning of my smile...heeeeee
totin- oh afiq zamzam 2? die dh tunang kan?
ella - :)...:D
totin- bole ke afiq tu tunang ek?
ella -(curious) hm nape catu? die playboy ke?
totin- erk...die x de prasaan langsung kot ngn pompuan
ella- [ :)) gelak guling2 dlm ati)] o ye ke...ok
tunang?hoho...ni snoy punye pasal la ni...x pandai tye soklan dan x fhm jawapan...haha...smpi totin pn bole ckap afiq tunang...huahahaha.n afiq was like gunduk2 kan snoy bia percaye...i still remembered tht afiq said he will tunang or married me on march but donno which year...n snoy really2 pecaye that dis year...ntah pape...but it was few months ago...n now...hampir 2 months i didn't meet him...rindu ke?hmmm ntah...i dont really understand wif my feeling now...confuse...
wat i always do juz doa yg terbaik for him je...amin...
ha!!!back to the earlier...totin is a cute girl...she was like very friendly...a wealthy girl...gle ketawe...nmpk la standard n educated...n from her appearance, i think she's like pink...btw, if bile2 nnt jmp snoy...i'll tell him that i noe his taste cos all of his girl that i met b4 n latest totin...they(the snoy's girl) were like adik-beradik pn ade...kcik2 n comel2...hoho
tonite 19/7 -----> wawan's bifday...
hepy bifday n blaja rajin2 tau!!!!
the girl that i storied b4 is totin...i really dont expect that i will meet her that day..."korang knal kiteorg x?eh slah...means pnah x nmpk kiteorg dimane2?"...hehe.i juz smiled wif those questions...i donno whether they noe the meaning of my smile...heeeeee
totin- oh afiq zamzam 2? die dh tunang kan?
ella - :)...:D
totin- bole ke afiq tu tunang ek?
ella -(curious) hm nape catu? die playboy ke?
totin- erk...die x de prasaan langsung kot ngn pompuan
ella- [ :)) gelak guling2 dlm ati)] o ye ke...ok
tunang?hoho...ni snoy punye pasal la ni...x pandai tye soklan dan x fhm jawapan...haha...smpi totin pn bole ckap afiq tunang...huahahaha.n afiq was like gunduk2 kan snoy bia percaye...i still remembered tht afiq said he will tunang or married me on march but donno which year...n snoy really2 pecaye that dis year...ntah pape...but it was few months ago...n now...hampir 2 months i didn't meet him...rindu ke?hmmm ntah...i dont really understand wif my feeling now...confuse...
wat i always do juz doa yg terbaik for him je...amin...
ha!!!back to the earlier...totin is a cute girl...she was like very friendly...a wealthy girl...gle ketawe...nmpk la standard n educated...n from her appearance, i think she's like pink...btw, if bile2 nnt jmp snoy...i'll tell him that i noe his taste cos all of his girl that i met b4 n latest totin...they(the snoy's girl) were like adik-beradik pn ade...kcik2 n comel2...hoho
tonite 19/7 -----> wawan's bifday...
hepy bifday n blaja rajin2 tau!!!!
Monday, July 16, 2007
me n ain went to sunway pyramid. i bought a pair of shoe from vincci n ain bought a sweet choc shirt.we dinnered at keny rogers n we habes rm50 for 2 persons makan je.n i really2 bengang coz i was forgot to bawak blek skali my esprit raspberi yg maseh sparo isinye...pergh!!!!panas!!!
have to fetch pai at alamanda...sothat, me, ekin n kak shasha went to alamanda cri makan n kak sha bought a pair of shoe from timberland.price around 400 n dis% until rm150.pergh mau x bli :P...afterwards fetched chym2 at erl putra.im still searching a dress/shirt yg sesuai 4 me.
send pai back 2 uitm...b4 that me,pai n pejol went to OU whereby pejol have to meet his frend there.as i noe b4, the person he wanna meet is totin(story telling 4 next post)...she wif another 2 girls(i didnt noe the 2 girls name) already waiting us at burger king.afterthat, i left pejol wif them n me wif pai went to chic rice shop having our lunch.tgh2 mkn 2,edwin call n asked us to go to the starbucks.then we got 2 ice blended(choc rice~oreo) from edwin...so wat i felt was like nk berak2 je sbb bnyk sgt makan...then went back to burger king n bayie was just arrived too...after accompany pejol n bayie makan at ***(a japanese restaurant-n i donno how to spell) we blek...
*wat i wanna tell here along the weekdays last week, my duit blanje x bnyk klua coz i was mengalami probs malas makan.but for the 3 days of "weekend"...i was habes rm150 just bought a pair shoes dan baki ratus 2 i was habeskan dgn makan faz food!!! therefore, x payah timbang pon i noe that my weight is still kat 49kg...(tersasar pengiraan untk mendapatkan 47kg :P)nk keja brat shaleen ni!!!hahaha!!!
read shaleen's blogger n she already came back from bali...meriah minah ni bejalan!!!
*gonna stop here.nk tido sat coz i already didnt sleep for lebe 24 hours...mengadap 3d modelling yg bru je submit juz now...neway...saye rindu eisya!!!blek cpat weh!!!
me n ain went to sunway pyramid. i bought a pair of shoe from vincci n ain bought a sweet choc shirt.we dinnered at keny rogers n we habes rm50 for 2 persons makan je.n i really2 bengang coz i was forgot to bawak blek skali my esprit raspberi yg maseh sparo isinye...pergh!!!!panas!!!
have to fetch pai at alamanda...sothat, me, ekin n kak shasha went to alamanda cri makan n kak sha bought a pair of shoe from timberland.price around 400 n dis% until rm150.pergh mau x bli :P...afterwards fetched chym2 at erl putra.im still searching a dress/shirt yg sesuai 4 me.
send pai back 2 uitm...b4 that me,pai n pejol went to OU whereby pejol have to meet his frend there.as i noe b4, the person he wanna meet is totin(story telling 4 next post)...she wif another 2 girls(i didnt noe the 2 girls name) already waiting us at burger king.afterthat, i left pejol wif them n me wif pai went to chic rice shop having our lunch.tgh2 mkn 2,edwin call n asked us to go to the starbucks.then we got 2 ice blended(choc rice~oreo) from edwin...so wat i felt was like nk berak2 je sbb bnyk sgt makan...then went back to burger king n bayie was just arrived too...after accompany pejol n bayie makan at ***(a japanese restaurant-n i donno how to spell) we blek...
*wat i wanna tell here along the weekdays last week, my duit blanje x bnyk klua coz i was mengalami probs malas makan.but for the 3 days of "weekend"...i was habes rm150 just bought a pair shoes dan baki ratus 2 i was habeskan dgn makan faz food!!! therefore, x payah timbang pon i noe that my weight is still kat 49kg...(tersasar pengiraan untk mendapatkan 47kg :P)nk keja brat shaleen ni!!!hahaha!!!
read shaleen's blogger n she already came back from bali...meriah minah ni bejalan!!!
*gonna stop here.nk tido sat coz i already didnt sleep for lebe 24 hours...mengadap 3d modelling yg bru je submit juz now...neway...saye rindu eisya!!!blek cpat weh!!!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
2 years ++
hoho...upenye my blogger ni already 2 years exists...actually 2 years ++...n its have hampir 140 posts...huhu.meriah!!!but in the middle months of 2006 aku x bnyk update...coz i was having my prettiest life at the moments...n the moments/memories r still in my mind n i'll bury it deep inside of my heart...hoho.how i mizz damansara...4 a long time aku x pi sane...coz its remind me to the past life...OU...the apartment...the 13 level...180 darjah of kuala lumpur...kl tower~menara rebung~klcc~wat else...may i?
best..paling best
skali mase date yg
ujan tu rse cm
rmntk gle..first datekan mse tu
*orchid spring perfume*
*its rainy nite*
*at the window*
*kl scenery*
*u *** me from the back*
best..paling best
skali mase date yg
ujan tu rse cm
rmntk gle..first datekan mse tu
*orchid spring perfume*
*its rainy nite*
*at the window*
*kl scenery*
*u *** me from the back*
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
she is...
found sum1's blogger...
from my best frend punye frend's blog...
they r in 1 cos/U...
but this girl studying in jakarta...
n she's mayb 1 of the best frend of my best frend's frend...
sbb org bp kan...
actually she is too familiar 4 me...
ops sori...
her name actually...
but i never meet/see her yet b4...
1stly i knew him as senoy ex-gf MAYB...
2nd - afiq pnah xciden kan kete die kot!!!...:P...hm 2 la bf saye:D
3rd - then she's coming to mmu cyber chilled wif nani(my cosmate)
4th - read her comment in zaqi/joe's blogger
5th - always becomment wif senoy(dlu)
n now ooo extigs-rians upenye...
will be continue later
found sum1's blogger...
from my best frend punye frend's blog...
they r in 1 cos/U...
but this girl studying in jakarta...
n she's mayb 1 of the best frend of my best frend's frend...
sbb org bp kan...
actually she is too familiar 4 me...
ops sori...
her name actually...
but i never meet/see her yet b4...
1stly i knew him as senoy ex-gf MAYB...
2nd - afiq pnah xciden kan kete die kot!!!...:P...hm 2 la bf saye:D
3rd - then she's coming to mmu cyber chilled wif nani(my cosmate)
4th - read her comment in zaqi/joe's blogger
5th - always becomment wif senoy(dlu)
n now ooo extigs-rians upenye...
will be continue later
x title 1
x manjalara dis evening...
intenet lost its areal/antena maybe...
rimas3 - around the corner...:P
downloading never again song but still pending - apehal?
feeling bored kot...
dis weekend im x going anywhere...
submission n presentation on monday...
huda juz arrived from her work kat 8tv...
ain guling2 sleeping on the bed sambil gayut???
adib ym me juz to buzz n said "jap.mlm smbng" - sudah...:P
i lost my msg archive wif noreda.x sempat jawab qns die dh sign out..
anyway my frend. the answer is"i syg n still tggu my ex 2...but if lelaki cam azmil 2.bederet 1o guys pn aku x nak pandang.huahahaha!!!"
magrib already...
hepy bifday!!!
Thursday, July 05, 2007
um merdeka x-games
even aku study kat mmu...
tp flyers2 below ni sume event my "bf" bestfrend punye...
n aku juz tlg promote je...
sape2 yg ade band / hip hop / bboy / ska8s / bmx-ers / ape lg ntah...
sile2 berkesudian tok join competition2 ni...
UNIVERSITI MALAYA: Merdeka X-Games - 2nd-9th September 2007




even aku study kat mmu...
tp flyers2 below ni sume event my "bf" bestfrend punye...
n aku juz tlg promote je...
sape2 yg ade band / hip hop / bboy / ska8s / bmx-ers / ape lg ntah...
sile2 berkesudian tok join competition2 ni...
UNIVERSITI MALAYA: Merdeka X-Games - 2nd-9th September 2007





Wednesday, July 04, 2007
wealthy men?
pg td at 11 o'clock went to fmd building...
gamaknye mmg x mampu jalan kaki la...
so i drove my car...
a lot of thnx to en rizal- 1 of the technician in mmu
coz giving me the layout n the details of achictecture of fcm building...
at least ade mende gak yg aku bole bwk pi class kol 2pm nnt...
tp aku prepare ape2 pn pasal measurement building 2...
ha amek gambo building pn x...:P
en rizal said dont jual my plan 2 k...
x mungkin sir...
ha ckap pasal jual...
related to money...
n money...
i have to pay fees for rm2k to finance b4 register my subjek...
gile mmu ni...
really membawe meaning of money making U...
kamis ni mama n adik x jd trun kl...
coz adik, her tangan kne gigit lipan...
n mama ade order jamuan plak coz cikgu mazlan have 2 pindah skola...
so on the monday mayb aku blek kl besame2 mreke be2 to setel down the fees...
hm aneway...
mane nk cri bf yg kaye...
hm another criteria...
x NSEM SGT x pe...
but if tgk die 2 "ooo ade style gak"
x kesala he want 2 pasang bape ramai gefen pn...
but the thing is aku nk die tanggung blaja aku...
bukan nk kikis duit die tok shoping ke...
jalan2 ke...
minyak ke...
tol ke...
tp untuk study je...
if nanti aku dh kje..
aku byr blek...
mane nk cri ain!!!!
everyday ain la yg asik dgr aku repeat n repeat the same wish...
nk bf kaye!!!
k la....
nk prepare..
i have class on 2pm
chow shin chi...
*rindu afiq*
gamaknye mmg x mampu jalan kaki la...
so i drove my car...
a lot of thnx to en rizal- 1 of the technician in mmu
coz giving me the layout n the details of achictecture of fcm building...
at least ade mende gak yg aku bole bwk pi class kol 2pm nnt...
tp aku prepare ape2 pn pasal measurement building 2...
ha amek gambo building pn x...:P
en rizal said dont jual my plan 2 k...
x mungkin sir...
ha ckap pasal jual...
related to money...
n money...
i have to pay fees for rm2k to finance b4 register my subjek...
gile mmu ni...
really membawe meaning of money making U...
kamis ni mama n adik x jd trun kl...
coz adik, her tangan kne gigit lipan...
n mama ade order jamuan plak coz cikgu mazlan have 2 pindah skola...
so on the monday mayb aku blek kl besame2 mreke be2 to setel down the fees...
hm aneway...
mane nk cri bf yg kaye...
hm another criteria...
x NSEM SGT x pe...
but if tgk die 2 "ooo ade style gak"
x kesala he want 2 pasang bape ramai gefen pn...
but the thing is aku nk die tanggung blaja aku...
bukan nk kikis duit die tok shoping ke...
jalan2 ke...
minyak ke...
tol ke...
tp untuk study je...
if nanti aku dh kje..
aku byr blek...
mane nk cri ain!!!!
everyday ain la yg asik dgr aku repeat n repeat the same wish...
nk bf kaye!!!
k la....
nk prepare..
i have class on 2pm
chow shin chi...
*rindu afiq*
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
juz abes my evening class...pnat woo...class dr 9-12...2-6...tecabut bontot aku dok lame2...:P
sya...gaknye ko pcaye x...im walking to class alone...blek dr class alone...nek the stairs pn sorang2...masuk our room sorang2...turn rite...turn left...tengok depan...tengok blakang...abes class aku tros blek blik...x mood to eat coz x u to accompany me makan...heeecam x caye plak sume sorang2...dlu...slalu kite be2...or actually ade wani...abes clas makan!!!!blom abes clas pn...i always heard...u said again2 n again...ella!!!lapa!!!hihi
lucu la...skang ni ym n nset je jd our tranlater...:P
if we meet sumday/oneday...or if 3 months lagi when u back 2 mmu...i'll run fastly n pluk ko kuat2...n nak nangis kuat2...sbb aku rindu gle kat ko!!!sbb aku syg ko sgt2!!!btolkan ade pribahse 2 sounds like"1 day if she/he x around, or beside u,u'll begin 2 realize tht how she/he is really2 important 2 ur life"hm now...dis is wat i felt...i have ain beside me...i have pejol, fahmy,nana in class...i have many more frends around...n they r so baik 2 me since they noe aku dh x de ko...but the way u treat me, or the way u live wif me...surely different...i'll always waiting 4 my "shin goon" bear from u...10q dear...aku x pnah menyesal dgn pekare2 lame...bende2 lame dlu...but if the time aku bole patah blekkan...i wont live u alone...i wont fall in luv "yet"tp 2 sume dh lpas...n now im the one tht serves me rite...:Pneway sya...surely aku sedey bile jd cani...afiq gone...dan ko pi intern...tp yg aku lebe sedey...when i left u behind dlu...mmg x niat sya...aku pk ko tngah bek ngn mad...n ade kak huda...drang bole teman ko...but now i knew the way u felt...x same kan antare kite be2 ngn antare 1 of us ngn org len...
ops...got msg..."semue hicom sek@mmu sile attend kan dri di grand hall skang- mif"huhu...bye...semekom...
*i really2 miz my afiq*
sya...gaknye ko pcaye x...im walking to class alone...blek dr class alone...nek the stairs pn sorang2...masuk our room sorang2...turn rite...turn left...tengok depan...tengok blakang...abes class aku tros blek blik...x mood to eat coz x u to accompany me makan...heeecam x caye plak sume sorang2...dlu...slalu kite be2...or actually ade wani...abes clas makan!!!!blom abes clas pn...i always heard...u said again2 n again...ella!!!lapa!!!hihi
lucu la...skang ni ym n nset je jd our tranlater...:P
if we meet sumday/oneday...or if 3 months lagi when u back 2 mmu...i'll run fastly n pluk ko kuat2...n nak nangis kuat2...sbb aku rindu gle kat ko!!!sbb aku syg ko sgt2!!!btolkan ade pribahse 2 sounds like"1 day if she/he x around, or beside u,u'll begin 2 realize tht how she/he is really2 important 2 ur life"hm now...dis is wat i felt...i have ain beside me...i have pejol, fahmy,nana in class...i have many more frends around...n they r so baik 2 me since they noe aku dh x de ko...but the way u treat me, or the way u live wif me...surely different...i'll always waiting 4 my "shin goon" bear from u...10q dear...aku x pnah menyesal dgn pekare2 lame...bende2 lame dlu...but if the time aku bole patah blekkan...i wont live u alone...i wont fall in luv "yet"tp 2 sume dh lpas...n now im the one tht serves me rite...:Pneway sya...surely aku sedey bile jd cani...afiq gone...dan ko pi intern...tp yg aku lebe sedey...when i left u behind dlu...mmg x niat sya...aku pk ko tngah bek ngn mad...n ade kak huda...drang bole teman ko...but now i knew the way u felt...x same kan antare kite be2 ngn antare 1 of us ngn org len...
ops...got msg..."semue hicom sek@mmu sile attend kan dri di grand hall skang- mif"huhu...bye...semekom...
*i really2 miz my afiq*
Friday, June 29, 2007
shah alam
i spending my weekend kat shah alam dis week...luckyly kak iela was here 2...klo x surely aku boring...spent the wholeday by watching tv...n read mingguan wanita(mak ngah punye kot)...noe wat, so many things i learnt from the book...haha...sape je x tau masalah2 yg ade dlm magazine 2 :P...sape2 yg x saba nk kawen 2...better start bli the book n read it...menjamin ur healthy,relationship(husband) n mase depan!!!haha
lately...aku mengalami masalah duit yg ketare...actually of coz dr sumber pendapatan family kan...x saba dh waiting mama n papa get a new bisnez...i dont mind wheather dpt a new kantin or papa get a new kontrak...im really2 sedey when adik told me bout how down nye our family rite now...hm 2 blom lg when the school hols tibe...pergh!!!
kamis ni mayb mama trun kl...sbb i asked mama to talk to finance...cube naseb...at least cube...bukan ape...ksian mama gak klo2 kne byr smpi rm2000...adoih...mane nk cekau duit...arap2 lpas la registration subjek aku...hm aminnn....doa2kan yek...neway lastly...hepy becoming bifday zue!!! on 30/6 tonite, muachhz!!!
k la...
wanna stop here...
* i luv my mama*
* luv my papa*
* i miz eisya to hear my bebel*
* i miz kak huda to teman me cry*
* n i really2 miz afiq*
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