Friday, December 14, 2007


1.What do you want for your birthday?= watever :P

2. Who will be your next kiss?= fewiittt

3. When was the last time you went tothe mall?= laz week-->alamanda

4. Are you wearing socks?= usually even in my room

6. Have you been to the movies in thelast 5 days?= nope

7. What was the last thing you haddrink?= mirinda strawberry

8. What are you wearing right now?= pink shirt n short pant:P

9. What was your last purchase?= kfc-->ain blanje...yeay!!

10.What was the last food you ate?= spicy chicken

11. Who would be the person you wouldcall if you were up in the middle ofthe night and couldn't sleep?= any1 yg cross my mind

12. Have you bought any clothing itemsin the last week?=laz few months:(

13. Do you have a pet?= nope

14. What made you laugh in the last5days?= 4got

15. If you could be anywhere rightnow, where would you be?= sumwhere tht dont have to think of anything

16. What is the last thing youpurchased online?= nope

17. One thing you hate about yourself= idiot

18 . What's your favourite soup?= sup kambing :P

19. Do you miss anyone?= yez!! sgt2 :(

20. What are your plans for the day?= wanna go home n tired oredy :(

21. Last person you msg?= zack

22. Ever went to camp?= yup

23. Are you a good student in school?= if kot...hoho

24 . What do you know about the (your)future?= blank

25. Are you wearing any perfume orcologne?= x originally wangi tau...haha

26. Where is your best friend rightnow?= mumbling

27. What your favourite Song?= b4 dis n currently----> mengenangmu by kerispatih

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