Wednesday, July 18, 2007

due to previous post

continue wif the post of 11 n 16 july...

the girl that i storied b4 is totin...i really dont expect that i will meet her that day..."korang knal kiteorg x?eh slah...means pnah x nmpk kiteorg dimane2?"...hehe.i juz smiled wif those questions...i donno whether they noe the meaning of my smile...heeeeee

totin- oh afiq zamzam 2? die dh tunang kan?
ella - :)...:D
totin- bole ke afiq tu tunang ek?
ella -(curious) hm nape catu? die playboy ke?
totin- erk...die x de prasaan langsung kot ngn pompuan
ella- [ :)) gelak guling2 dlm ati)] o ye ke...ok

tunang? snoy punye pasal la ni...x pandai tye soklan dan x fhm jawapan...haha...smpi totin pn bole ckap afiq tunang...huahahaha.n afiq was like gunduk2 kan snoy bia percaye...i still remembered tht afiq said he will tunang or married me on march but donno which year...n snoy really2 pecaye that dis year...ntah pape...but it was few months ago...n now...hampir 2 months i didn't meet him...rindu ke?hmmm ntah...i dont really understand wif my feeling now...confuse...
wat i always do juz doa yg terbaik for him je...amin...

ha!!!back to the earlier...totin is a cute girl...she was like very friendly...a wealthy ketawe...nmpk la standard n educated...n from her appearance, i think she's like pink...btw, if bile2 nnt jmp snoy...i'll tell him that i noe his taste cos all of his girl that i met b4 n latest totin...they(the snoy's girl) were like adik-beradik pn ade...kcik2 n comel2...hoho

tonite 19/7 -----> wawan's bifday...

hepy bifday n blaja rajin2 tau!!!!


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