Tuesday, December 02, 2008

1. Would you date someone who lived in another state?
* no

2. Are you ready to get into a serious relationship right now?
* depends

3. What was the last thing you cried about?
* when knew mama's condition

4. Who did you hangout with last night?
* hicom seketariat...went to kg baru

5. Have you ever cried while in the shower?
* yup...

6. Is there someone you want to fight?
* no...im x the kind of gado2

7. Has anyone ever told you they love you?
* yup...im a loveable..huhu

8. Do you believe in true love?
* yup b4...now dh x pasti..

9. Would you ever smile at a stranger?
* if perlu ape salahnye :D

10. Would you date someone 8 years older than you?
* date?...if mcm hans isaac.i dont mind..

11. Have you lost contact with someone you wish you didn't?
* yaa...

12. Is there a member of the opposite gender on your mind?

13. If you could push one person off a mountain, who would it be?
* x 1..x beminat

14. If someone likes you would you want them to tell you?
* for sure...but depend on them la kot nk ckap x..

15. Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries?
*x really...coz im x even once celebrate it

16. Is there someone specific that's on your mind?
* ya...** remind me a lot

17. Do you believe what comes around goes around?
* yaa...now it begins..

18. Do you smile a lot?
*laugh a lot

19. Does the person you like know that you like them?
*x sure

20. Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
*yup..i donno y bcoz my eyes r so big

21. Do you want to get married & have children?
*yess..hope b4 i get 30..

22. Who are the last four people to send you a text message today?

23. Are you currently planning a trip?
*yaa...PD mayb..

24. Are you in love with anyone?
*x really...

25. Is someone currently annoying you?
* no 1..perhaps

26. Are you looking forward to tomorrow?
* yup...kje3 n kje

27. Who do you have a crush on?
* undefined :P

28. Do you care if people hate you for no reason?
* yaa but lantak die

29. What are you going to do later?
*cr lagu2 tok adik...

30. How's your heart lately?
* x stabil

31. Last thing you bought?
*nsi krabu mlm td

32. What kind of person you are?
*secretive mayb

33. Are you a tease?
*x really..huhu

34. When the last time you got drunk?
* nope

35. What's your name?
*shaznoor shafilaz binti saharuddin

36. How tall are you?
*164 kot..lupe dh

37. What color are your eyes?

38. What color is your hair?
*dark brown

39. Are you Male or Female?

40. What is your best physical feature?
*my lesung pipit kot..hehe

41. What's your shoe size?

42. Glasses, yes or no?
* nope

43. Did you ever have braces?
*nope..gigi saye tersusun cume smule jd kuning je..haha

44. How often do you exercise?
*3 bulan skali pn ssh..hoho

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