1. Name one person who always texts
- nana
2 . Name one negative thing about you?
- gigit kuku
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
- chating,listening to music,update blogger
4. Sport you wanted to learn?
- kriket
5. Ever tried gymnastics?
- nope...
6. What was the last thing you bought?
- nasi briani for my lunch
7. Do you talk a lot?
- yes..but who donno me said saye quite pendiam
8. Where is your sister?
- at home..in joho
9. How was your day yesterday?
- bese je...notings interesting
10 . Are you an optimistic one?
- x really
11 . People describe you as....
- sgt blur n glabah
12. Contented in life?
- nope
13. Are you happy with the love of your life
- heheeee
14. Do you skip meals?
- salu je...
15 . Do you consider yourself smart?
- x really
16. What color is your gate?
- xde gate..umah kg :d
17. Are you typically a jolly person?
- haha..skit kot:P
18. Name one enemy of yours:
- oppsss...tade same skali
19. Name one close friend:
- currently intan
20. Who's the first person in your
phone list?
- maxis: acit
- celcom : adik
21. What did the last text message
your received say?
- ala ape2 je yg u dh ade pn xpe,janji bole tgk ilang bosan...lgpn x ingt tjuk..
22. Do you go to gym?
- nope..
23. Song playing at the moment:
- saat kau pergi by vegatoz
24.How do you cope with stress?
- listen to music kuat2 n keep on nagging
25. Ever broken someone's heart?
- errkk de kot..:|
26. What makes you happy?
- hoho..sum1 on his way coming back to me..:D
27. What is the last thing you said aloud?
- arrrr jahat...talk to the fon :P
28. Is someone bitter to you?
- hmm...x kot
GOTCHA! wah nm aku kt 1st. mesti slalu teringat kt aku kan? hahaha
bagaimana mogotron smpi d sini..
tekesima sebentar...
jgn men2 ngan beta ya. spy ramai :P
mandai la ko
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