Wednesday, August 20, 2008

1. Name one person who always texts you.
* siti noraishah musa

2. Do you think some people are born stupid?
* ha'a kot..hehe

3. Name one negative thing about you?
* penakot sgt..

4. Are you happy, and if you know it, you clap your hands?
* yup..usually..

5. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
* watched beijing weighlifting accident kat u-tube

6. Dances you wanted to learn?
* ???

7. Ever tried gymnastics?
* nope :P

8. What was the last thing you bought?
* bi hun goreng same sambal sotong

9. Do you talk a lot?
* talkative

10.Do you believe that love is blind?
* yup...bnyk sgt dh blaku depan mate :D

11.Where is your brother?
* my lil bro..wif adik @CM

12.How was your day yesterday?
* juz fine..

13. What is the last ice cream flavor you had?
* oo dh lame x makan..tbe2 kempunan :P

15.People describe you as?
* blurry person

16.Contented in life?
* ha'a..

17. Do people think you’re crazy?
* sometimes

19.Do you skip meals?
* yup..4 today

20 .Do you consider yourself smart?
* x really..depends on situation

23. Are you typically a jolly person?
* ye agak2 la..haha

24 .Name one enemy of yours:
* geli saye..

25.Name one close guy friend:
* zack..but we lost contact for few months dh

26 .Who’s the first person in your phonebook:
* adik

27. What did the last text message you received say?
* mama dh dpt no fon ayah dila.tq..from papa

28. Do you go to gym?
* nope

29. Song playing at the moment:
* 3 doors down-its not my time from on9 hitzfm

30.How do you cope with stress?
* sleep..mumbling bla3..

31 .Ever broken someone’s heart?
* mayb..

32. What makes you happy?
* idup dh senang..haha

33. What is the last thing you said aloud?
* nak!!!!

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